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Last day to enter online | 2024-10-18 |
Entries after 2024-10-19 08:00 | £6 late fee |
Places Remaining | 44 |
1st Chislehurst FIDE RapidPlay
Saturday, 19th October 2024
Chislehurst Methodist Church(Photo Gallery)
Prince Imperial Road
Chislehurst BR7 5LX
Chislehurst (in London Borough of Bromley) rail station is about 12 minutes walk from the venue - Direct trains run from London Charing Cross & London Bridge at under 25 minutes travel time to Chislehurst. Few Parking spaces are available at the venue & one can also park on the road for free on weekends or at the paid Hornbrook House Car Park walkable round the corner at 5 High Street, BR7 5AT
5-Round RapidPlay Tournament across 4-Sections: 25 minutes + 10 increment from move #1
ECF & FIDE rated: U2050, U1750 & U1500
U1150 (ECF rated Only)
Chess-Results Event Page appears here
Section |
U2050 |
U1750 |
U1500 |
U1150 |
Entry Fee |
£32 |
£32 |
£32 |
£32 |
1st Prize |
£100 |
£100 |
£60 |
£50 + Trophy |
2nd Prize |
£50 |
£50 |
£40 |
£37 + Medal |
Rating Prize |
£40 |
£40 |
£30 |
£30 |
All players must be ECF Gold members or above OR they will need to pay the prescribed ECF Pay-to-Play fee
Before entering the tournament, please check your ECF membership status
If required, obtain your ECF membership at the ECF website
OR pay the
Pay-to-Play & Game fees
ECF members at other levels can either upgrade to Gold membership by paying the difference in fees to the ECF directly or pay the ECF Pay-to-Play fee of £15 / £6 (adult / junior) for each FIDE rated tournament by filling the entry form. Junior Gold ECF membership is free to all for the first year of membership. Players without a FIDE ID code will be registered as ENG. Non-ENG federation players with an active FIDE ID can also take ECF Gold membership (without changing their FED) for a year by paying £35 / £12 (adult / junior) or pay the Pay-to-Play fee of £15 / £6 (adult / junior) for each such FIDE rated tournament.
Please note that Entries are only Accepted & updated in Entrants List when the payment is processed online for which an acknowledgement has been received at your end. Players are expected to enter a section which is not more than 200 rating points above their rating (higher of ECF & FIDE rating on the first day of the Tournament month) unless there is a playing-up provision for the event. Any requests to move player/s to a higher section after registration will generally not be entertained & if as a result a player wishes to withdraw, the refund rules will apply. Unrated players will be requested to provide evidence of their playing strength/past grade or rating to enter them in the suitable section - Organiser reserves the right to delete/merge a section for lack of sufficient entries, change the section of player/s or withdraw them Players without a FIDE
ID code will be registered as ENG Please enter early to avoid paying late fee - the event is limited to 80 players & entries will be closed on 8pm local time on the day before the tournament PLANNED PLAYING SCHEDULE Please aim to
arrive by 10 am to allow a prompt start to the first round. While every effort will be made to adhere to the planned playing schedule, the Organiser does not take responsibility for reason/s affecting the schedule beyond their control
Please note that there are No Scheduled Breaks for Lunch, etc. in between rounds
Round 1: 10:30 Round 2: 12:00 Round 3: 13:30 Round 4: 15:00 Round 5: 16:30 Planned Finish : 18:00 PRIZES The Organiser reserves the right to reduce the Prize Fund (£640) on a pro-rata basis in case there are less than 60 entries for the event And/Or merge sections without notice if there are insufficient entries (less than 16) in any section. Prize fund may also be enhanced at the discretion of the Organiser
In case two sections are merged, the two place prizes (1st & 2nd) would be added up & split equally into two prizes, with one prize going to the top-scoring player/s from each section - tie break will only be used to decide the split of prize money if there are joint winners from the same section. The rating prize will be calculated as usual for the merged sections
Email announcing the Winners on Chess-Results will be sent to all participants & money prizes (as advertised) will be sent via bank transfers within two to five working days from the receipt of Winner's bank details. No player can win more than one prize & if a player qualifies for more than one prize, the higher of the prize money will be awarded, making suitable adjustments to the other prize/s and the Organiser's decision will be final & binding. (i) Only players with a current ECF (not P / Provisional Rating) / FIDE Rapid rating are eligible for Rating prizes. Rating prize is given to a player scoring the highest number of points with the lowest rating from the bottom half of the players as listed by Starting Rank for the tournament (ii) In all sections (barring the Open), players without an ECF or FIDE rating can win a maximum prize money of £50 - the remaining prize money will be apportioned to other winners in that section/s
In case of a tie on points for Place position/s, the prize will be jointly shared, suitably modifying the overall prize money. In case of there being more than one player tied for the first place, there will be no second place prize, as the latter prize money will be pooled for the first prize joint winners - the winners' prizes in all cases of joint winners will be shared based on their tie-break scores in proportion as outlined below
2-way Tie: Prizes split in the ratio 60-40 |
3-way Tie: Prizes split in the ratio 40-35-25 |
4-way Tie: Prizes split in the ratio 30-27-23-20 |
5-way Tie: Prizes split Equally |
Refund requests on entries fees will be considered up to 7 days before the event start time & an admin fee of £9 will be charged per refund per player. No refunds will be issued less than 7 days before the event start time for any reason. Full refund will be issued (i) to players in a section that has been deleted due to insufficient entries (ii) if the tournament is cancelled for any reason by the organiser. The maximum refund in any eventuality will be the "entry fee" paid per player
The Higher of the latest ECF
and FIDE Rapid Rating Lists will be used to determine player’s ratings as published on the first of the month. Both ECF and FIDE ratings will need to be below the stated section limits. In case neither an ECF nor a FIDE Rapid Rating is available, Blitz / Standard /Estimated Rating (with evidence) may also be used by the Organiser to determine a player's section as required
RATE OF PLAY, Requesting Half-Point BYE, No Shows & WITHDRAWALS
Each player will
have 25 minutes plus a 10 second increment per move from start
If your opponent has not arrived within 10 minutes of the start of a round (no show), they will be defaulted and you should report to the Organiser’s desk for taking a full-point bye for the default or for re-pairing to play either a tournament game or a friendly ECF rated game as feasible for the round/s
Players may take a Half-Point Bye in advance for Any One Round Except the Last Round if requested on the entry form or with an arbiter / organiser on the day for an upcoming round
Players who do not show up for a round after the default time without an explicit permission from an arbiter /organiser will be considered as withdrawn automatically for all future rounds & removed from pairings for smooth running of the tournament. Reinstatement of the excluded player will be at the discretion of the Organiser / Chief Arbiter at an additional fee of £10
All pairings
will be done using 'Swiss Manager' software; Round #1 pairings will be endeavoured to be published by 10am on the day & pairings for all other rounds published as soon as feasible and displayed on
Please ensure to check that your Rating (higher of ECF & FIDE) & Name are correctly displayed on the Chess-Results page at least one day ahead of the tournament & report any discrepancies to the Organiser promptly, but certainly much ahead of the publishing of the pairings for Round #1
Default time is 10 minutes after start, after which Re-Pairing may be made for each player
whose opponent has not arrived and for any player otherwise having a full-point
In general,
sections will not be merged. However, the Chief Arbiter reserves the right to
merge sections if there are insufficient number of entries in one or more sections (less than 16)
Although recording moves is not compulsory, Score-sheets will be provided for those who wish to use them - please bring your Clip-board & Pen/Pencil. Result-sheets may be used to collect the results. Digital clocks will be used in all sections
To comply with
FIDE regulations - All mobile phones and electronic devices, including smart
watches, must be switched-off at all times in the
Playing Hall. They should be put either on the control desk or face-down on the playing
table, or in a bag under the desk that must not be moved whilst games are in play. If it is evident that during play, a player’s device is not turned off or a player has such a device on their person or has had access to any such device, the player shall be defaulted & will unfortunately forfeit / lose the game
Any spectators (Players are classified as spectators after finishing their games), Parents/guardians/carers and others who may enter the Playing Hall must also have their mobile phones / electronic devices switched-off at all times
In the event of a dispute regarding the rules during play, a player should Pause the Clock and summon an Arbiter - an appeal on the Arbiter's decision can be made to the Chief Arbiter within 10 minutes of the incident. The Chief Arbiter's decision will be final & binding in all matters
Basic Tea & Coffee will be available at the venue to purchase - paying by Contactless Card is the preferable mode of payment as we encourage a cashless system of settlement. Kindly tender exact change if using cash. A number of shops on the high street nearby offer refreshment choices
The venue is Disability friendly - any such person needing help is requested to inform the Organiser in advance
Photographs of players may be taken during the tournament to form the tournament photo gallery - by participating in the tournament, players acknowledge and agree to these conditions.Photographs taken at the event may be used for publicity purposes by the Organiser. It is allowed to take photos only during the first five minutes of each round - if using mobile phones to take photos in the playing hall, please ensure to keep them in flight mode at all times. Any objection to being photographed should be notified to the event organiser prior to the event
Please treat
the premises with respect and follow all signs and rules as requested
A high
standard of behaviour and respect for others and property is always expected.
Players entering or leaving the Playing Hall while other games are in progress
should do so quietly
Smoking / Vaping including e-cigarettes is NOT allowed in the playing venue; nor is the consumption of alcohol
The Organisers
and Arbiters are unable to act "in loco parentis" for children. Parents/guardians/carers
are responsible for their children throughout the entire duration of this
event. Children under the age of 8 must remain under sole parental supervision
throughout. Supervision of children over the age of 8 and teenagers may be
shared between adults. However, Parents/guardians/carers should note that they are
still ultimately responsible for their children and their behaviour at this event
The organisers
accept no responsibility for any damage, theft or accident to the person or
property of any competitor, trainee or other visitor at this event. Nor are
they responsible for the effects of actions of anyone else attending this event
Spectators and Players who have finished their game (they then become spectators) are generally not allowed to stay in the Playing Hall (area #1) and may be asked to leave the Playing Hall. There will be limited seating arrangement for non-players in an adjacent facility on a first-come-first-serve basis (designated as the Non-Players' area #2) at the venue. Non-players are expected to maintain low voice levels at all times to avoid distracting the players & other Hall users. Any movement outside the Playing Hall or the Non-Players' area (designated hired premises) will be construed as trespassing so please confine yourself to either of area #1 or area #2 at all times based on your status
Personal data is held solely for the purposes of our events. This is for
administration and to inform you of future chess events. We share some data
with the English Chess Federation and FIDE for rating purposes. Results,
ratings and photos may be used on social media pages or in publicity unless
informed otherwise
Additional Conditions of Entry
- Transfer entrants between sections & / Or Split or Merge sections depending on numbers
- Refund players (minus the Paypal payment processing fee) if the tournament needs to be cancelled for any reason beyond the control of the Organiser
- Withhold / reduce prizes from unrated players &/ Or Distribute the prize fund as they deem appropriate in the circumstances
- Refuse entry without assigning a reason & / Or take any other measures deemed necessary to ensure smooth running of the event
- Change / Delay the Start Timings of the Rounds based on the situation on ground