Enter online
Last day to enter online2025-03-26
Entries after 2025-03-23£10 late fee
Places Remaining0 full - contact organiser

We will be operating a waiting list after we exceed 140 entries, we are trying to accommodate more players. If you wish to join the reserve list please email Alistair Maxwell alistair.maxwell34@gmail.com or use the Contact tab on this website.

53rd Glasgow Chess Congress

Annie Lennox Building, Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow

28th-30th March 2025

The Glasgow Chess League is delighted to announce that this year’s congress will be held at the Annie Lennox Building, Glasgow Caledonian University , on 28th-30th March 2025.

Alistair Maxwell is the Tournament Director and Chief Arbiter.

Enquiries regarding the Congress and event entries should be made directly to Alistair Maxwell email: alistair.maxwell34@gmail.com or mobile 07790 021618
Entries are limited to 140 players maximum.
Please note that entries to the Major and Minor will be based on CS Live Grades.

Time Controls

All moves in 90 minutes, with 30 second increments from move 1.
Friday 28 March
Round 1
6.30pm - 10.30pm
Saturday 29 March
Round 2
10am - 2pm
Saturday 29 March
Round 3
3pm - 7pm
Sunday 30 March
Round 4
10am - 2pm
Sunday 30 March
Round 5
3pm - 7pm

Prizegiving will be held immediately after round 5 has concluded.
Half point Byes are available in rounds 1 to 4 only. Please request when entering.

Entry Fees

Ken Stewart Open (Open to all)
FIDE Rated
Major U1800
FIDE Rated
Minor U1400
CS Rated
Entry Fee Adult
Entry Fee Junior

CS Member Please claim the "CS member discount £3" by selecting the "Yes" option in the entry form. You can join Chess Scotland or renew membership here.
Junior A Junior discount of £5 is available to players aged under 17 at the start date of the congress. Please click the "Junior" option in the entry form.
Refund Policy Players withdrawing prior to the opening day of the congress may do so with a refund, less a £5 administration fee.


Ken Stewart Open (Open to all)
FIDE Rated
Major U1800
FIDE Rated
Minor U1400
CS Rated
Grading Prize
The Glasgow Congress Organising Committee reserves the right to alter prize money if less than 80 players enter the congress.

FIDE Identification Number (FIN)

The Premier is a FIDE rated event so all players must already have a FIDE ID (FIN = Fide Identification Number) or make an application to be FIDE registered in time for the event. Chess Scotland can register players who are eligible for a Scotland (SCO) listing – eligibility rules here. Search FIDE player database here.

Please read the notes on eligibility at the above link, complete the application form on the Chess Scotland website and send to the Chess Scotland Rating Officer.


Entry section: based on 1st March 2025 lists, or current list after this date.
Initial ranking: based on lists at the start of the tournament
For players who do not appear in the standard list, other lists may be used at the discretion of the organisers. Ungraded players must provide evidence for the organisers to assess their playing strength and any previous known grade must be declared.
Seedings for the Open and Major will be determined by FIDE ratings. Where a player does not have a FIDE rating their national rating will be used.

Conditions of entry

The organisers reserve the right to:
• Increase or decrease prize money.
• Transfer entrants between events.
• Split or merge events depending on numbers.
• Withhold prizes from ungraded players if they play in events below their known strength.
• Distribute the prize fund as they deem appropriate.
• The organisers reserve the right to refuse entry without assigning a reason.
• Take any other measures deemed necessary to ensure the smooth running of the congress.
• Spectators, and players who have finished their game, are not allowed in the playing hall and may asked to leave the playing hall.

Parking/Getting to the venue

The University is directly opposite the back entrance to Buchanan Street bus station as is easily accessible by public transport. Parking details will be updated shortly.